Put all dry part ingredients into the bowl and knead all together
Put the wet ingredients into the bowl and start to use a stand mixer with medium-low speed. It will be very sticky at the begging but just keep on beating until smooth.
Take the dough out and leave outside for 45 minutes or 1 hr and separate into 2 parts
Gently cut the dough into a small scoop as 40 g / piece and leave it for 15 minutes.
When the dough is completely set aside, take out the dough and spread it out as square shape. Insert diced butter and roll the dough and put into the tray or standard print.
Let them outside for 45 minutes or until the dough expands into double side
Bake it with 175 degree Celsius (warm the oven before 15 minutes) for 18-20 minutes. The bread will turn to yellow color